
The Sisters Project combats negative stereotypes of Muslim women by showcasing the diverse stories of women across Canada, while also creating a space of inclusion and belonging for all self-identifying Muslim women to embrace and celebrate their unique identities

Created by Alia Youssef



“During really challenging times, a chosen family member once told me that despite all the brutality and injustice of this world, there is also immense beauty.  I have come to know the truth in this, including moments of laughter, a gorgeous sunset, and sharing stories within and beyond our communities.”

Farha is an artist living in Montreal, Quebec. She is passionate about linguistics and the politics of language. She told me, “I engage with various art forms, including Urdu/Arabic-Persian Script calligraphy.  I strongly believe that art can be a powerful medium of communicating truth to power, expressing emotions in response to systemic violence in our world, building strong connections of solidarity, supporting self- and collective care/love, and channeling beautiful visions of more just futures and possibilities.” What Farha is most proud of is her art practice, which is rooted in collective love, support, art learning/ skill sharing, and social justice principles. She continued to say, “this art practice, as well as meeting other Queer Muslims of Colour in different parts of Turtle Island (“North America”), have recently led me to co-organize art events for Queer and Trans Muslims of Colour (QTMoC) as a way to celebrate our resilience.” When I asked Farha what’s been the most challenging experience in her life she told me, “When I experienced a major activist burnout.  In this context, a close friend observed that I had internalized capitalism, particularly the notion that one’s worth is only tied to their productivity/how much they “do”. With support and love, Audre Lorde’s teachings on self-care, and ongoing introspective work, I now do my best to understand and respect my body’s pace and rhythms.

Q&A Feature:

What is your favourite quality about yourself?

"My sense of humour, determination, and a commitment to integrity."

Why did you choose the location you did for the photo-shoot?

"I have had many moments of solitude and grounding, sweet moments with family (chosen and bio family) and friends, and beautiful times with my communities, while being surrounded by greenery here.  I have witnessed some of the most gorgeous and breathtaking sunsets here, including one in the presence of my nieces and nephews last summer."



