
The Sisters Project combats negative stereotypes of Muslim women by showcasing the diverse stories of women across Canada, while also creating a space of inclusion and belonging for all self-identifying Muslim women to embrace and celebrate their unique identities

Created by Alia Youssef



When I email people, they think I am a man because my field of work is definitely overwhelmed by men, so when they see me, they see a little chunk of a woman. Breaking stereotypes is important in my work as a researcher."
Dyhia is a 32 year old Algerian-Canadian. She is the program manager at Ecotrust Canada and an advisor for Africa at the University of British Columbia's, Sea Around Us. When she isn’t working hard she likes to go on hikes and her favourite place to find herself is in her bed. Being a working Mom it's the only time she finds time for herself. Dyhia’s favourite quality about herself is that she is bold and outgoing. When I asked Dyhia if she feels visibly Muslim she responded, “Yes my hijab says it very well and people often tell me, "welcome", thinking I am a Syrian refugee or something.” I also asked her how she would like to be perceived and she commented, “I like breaking stereotypes so it is not important for me how and what people think about me. Whatever they think, I will exploit it in my favour. “

What makes you laugh so much it hurts?

My husband falling

What is your favourite quality about yourself?

I am bold and outgoing

What is a fun fact about you that you haven’t told me yet? 

I am often called Mr Belhabib because "only a man" can do my work haha

What is one thing you know for sure?

I know that I have dreams, THAT there is mysogyny IN this world, and that Allah is great



