
The Sisters Project combats negative stereotypes of Muslim women by showcasing the diverse stories of women across Canada, while also creating a space of inclusion and belonging for all self-identifying Muslim women to embrace and celebrate their unique identities

Created by Alia Youssef



“Being bombarded of images such as the niqab being worn by ISIS terrorists, images of sunken eyes, and worn out souls, I took it upon myself to change that narrative.“ Aima is a politics student, an anime/manga and all things Korean enthusiast, a lover of books, and has endless passion and energy. Her passion and energy, especially for fighting the patriarchy, is her favourite quality about herself, and her favourite quality in another person is resilience when faced with hardships, but also their ability to be in touch with their emotions. Aima told me, “I wear niqab as an act of defiance against the patriarchy that keeps telling me what to wear because somehow they know what it means to be liberated from “Taliban like oppression.” she continued to say, “because at the end of the day being a muslim, woman of colour, canadian-immigrant, and a feminist to top it all off, it doesn’t matter if I free the nipple or if I don’t wear niqab. My body will be policed and my choices scrutinized.” The most important thing to Aima is expressing her solidarity and using her skills and energy to help others become more “woke” and aware of today's issues.

Q&A Feature:

Where's your favourite place to find yourself?

My favourite place is my bed or with other like minded people

What's a fun fact about you?

A fun fact about me is that I was non-verbal until grade 1. When people say that I'm eloquent or that what I say makes them ponder it's because communication is really valuable to me.

Why did you choose the location you did for your photoshoot?

I chose that location because I was volunteering with IDRF and their project the dignity walk. Most of my time is used in me going to workshops/rallies/ events that provide knowledge and tools to navigate during these times of vulnerability and threats made against your identity.



